A Quantitative Analysis of Turkish Competition Board’s Antitrust Cases

The Turkish Competition Board proceeds to steer the markets via its decisions regarding competition law enforcement. Nevertheless, the prominent factor resonating with the public, in general, is still its decision to open an investigation and the fines imposed following these investigations. In this respect, we drill down the mentioned investigations from the initial ones, quantitatively evaluate them and present the inferences we have reached.

We compared the Chairmen’s performances through ratios such as the number of investigations per month, the number of investigations with monetary fines per month, etc.

We focused on the pattern of dissenting opinions of Turkish Competition Board members through the years and increasing control of chairmen over the Board.

The second part of this report is on the merger control regime and in particular on the Phase II merger reviews.

The Turkish version of this report can be found here.

“This month Turkish Competition Board celebrates its 25th anniversary! We aspired to memorialize
the appointment of the first Board Members in February 1997 by this memo. Hereby we wanted to
celebrate the Turkish Competition Board which took successful steps from the beginnings and has made its name among the
established public institutions as an “Authority”.
The Turkish Competition Board proceeds to steer the markets via its decisions regarding competition law enforcement.
Nevertheless, the prominent factor resonating the public in general is still its decisions on opening an
investigation and fines imposed following these investigations. In this respect, we drill down the mentioned investigations from the initial ones, quantitatively evaluate them and present the inferences we reached.
In the first flush the chairmen of the Turkish Competition Board publicly declared in various platforms that they prefer not to come up with the fines imposed and they prioritized the institutionalization of the Turkish Competition Authority.
This may be the reason behind the fact that the statistics of the fines imposed by the Turkish Competition Board have only been publicly available by the 5th annual report. We consider it significant and think useful to check the relevant data to have inferences regarding the tendency of the decision-making practices and find out whether the trend declared initially by the preceding chairmen has changed or not over time.”

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